Ibrahim Imamović
Chairman of the Board
The Association for Local Development Initiatives has more than 20 years of experience in economic development, private sector development and empowerment of citizens to participate actively in the economic, social and political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For 20 years, the organization has successfully passed through the four stages of transition in order to profile in a dynamic organization capable of planning, organizing and implementing initiatives that contribute to community development in the digital age.
During the 1990s, we focused on the development of a democratic society with economically independent citizens. At the beginning of the new millennium we focused on creating better and more efficient public policies that could provide stronger economic and social changes in the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the new strategy from 2008, we moved our focus on the development of knowledge and skills that are a key generator of development and growth of citizens' living standards.
Changes by rapid digitization of society have again affected the organization to sharpen ther focus to adapt own services to the demands and challenges of the digital age. Today, the organization is focused on economic, social and political development in a way to take advantage of digital technologies for greater citizen involvement in social and economic life in the country..
Over 20 years of experience in working with people, organizations and communities
See our current priorities in developing the capacity of people, organizations and communities