Many positive changes can be accomplish in cooperation with the public sector. On the other side, cooperation of the public sector with the social partners and industry can accelerate the creation of changes that can contribute to the growth and improvement of living standards.
We cooperate with the public sector in the process of creating public policies that contribute to improving the social and economic situation of citizens.
The public sector uses our expertise in defining priorities and developing policies that can contribute to more effective policies in the field of employment, education and the fight against corruption.
In the past years, our organization has played a key role in the development of the adult education system in the Federation of BiH. Our role in the process of drafting the law framework for adult education and by-laws has contributed to creating a framework for adult education.
In the area of adult education, our partnership extends to cooperation with vocational schools with which we plan, organize and implement adult education activities in partnership in order to reduce the imbalances in the labor market. In the process, a very important place is given to cooperation with the employment services with which we cooperate about identifying the needs for the professional skills of the unemployed.
In order to ensure a participatory decision-making process, we are committed to establishing and developing cooperation between the public, private and civil sectors. In our efforts to develop the skills of the labor force, the key role is played by a social partnership involving representatives of employers' associations, chambers of commerce, schools, representatives of the industry and the public sector. Jačanjem ove saradnje znatno se obrzava proces donošenja odluka koje mogu imati pozitivan utjecaj na kreiranje povoljnog poslovnog okruženja.
Public finances are an excellent indicator that shows the dynamism and commitment of local authorities to devote energy and resources to solving key economic and social challenges facing Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Our organization regularly monitors public spending on socio-economic policies and on the basis of obtained objective analyzes advocates proposals that can contribute to more effective public policies in the future.
We are dedicated to the development of an efficient, transparent and responsible government. Corruption has a very negative impact on the business environment and makes it difficult to implement all activities that can have a positive impact on the individual and society as a whole. In order to influence the creation of a positive image of Bosnia and Herzegovina, our organization is involved in activities that contribute to the fight against corruption at the local and regional level.